Conversion Tables

Conversion tables can be very useful when you need to convert recipes from Metric to Imperial or vice versa.

Weights, Measures and Temperature Conversions
Please have a look at Guestimate or Measurement?,
which explains a bit more about the conversions used in the table below.
Liquid Measures Temperatures Weight
Metric Imperial Metric Imperial Metric Imperial
5ml 1 teaspoon 110°C 225°F / Gas ¼ 30g 1oz
15ml 1 tablespoon 130°C 250°F / Gas ½ 55g 2oz
30ml 1 fl oz 140°C 275°F / Gas 1 85g 3oz
60ml 4 tablespoons 150°C 300°F / Gas 2 115g 4oz / ¼lb
125ml ½ cup 170°C 325°F / Gas 3 225g 8oz / ½lb
150ml ¼ pint / 5 fl oz 180°C 350°F / Gas 4 340g 12oz / ¾lb
250ml 1 cup / 8 fl oz 190°C 375°F / Gas 5 450g 16oz / 1lb
300ml ½ pint / 10 fl oz 200°C 400°F / Gas 6 500g 1lb 2oz
450ml ¾ pint / 15 fl oz 220°C 425°F / Gas 7 1kg 2¼lb
600ml 1 pint / 20 fl oz 230°C 450°F / Gas 8    
900ml 1½ pints 240°C 475°F / Gas 9    
1.2l 2 pints